Listaso Blog

How A Mobile App Can Improve Your Van Sales Process And Increase Overall Sales

Businesses that sell fast-moving consumer products, like food and beverages, make use of this method, but it is also common in other consumer-product industries, like home and personal care.

Carmen Canas vicepresident and cofunder of Listaso
June 22, 2022
B2B Specialist

Sale More Effectively and Efficiently

Van sales, or DSD (Direct Store Delivery), is the term used to describe a method of delivering products directly to a retail store. This means that the sales rep is able to sell products directly from their truck to the client they are visiting. 


Businesses that sell fast-moving consumer products, like food and beverages, make use of this method, but it is also common in other consumer-product industries, like home and personal care.


Selling directly from your van can be a complicated task, since your sales reps are on the road and need to have as much information as possible without constantly calling the office or checking their truck. You need to make sure they have everything they need before they leave the warehouse, because once they’re on the road, they could lose precious time and money if they need to return or if they forgot something.


Listaso’s Van Sales mobile application simplifies the store-delivery process by streamlining the replenishment process, assuring route optimization, facilitating the creation and printing of invoices, providing up-to-date information and integrating all of the info into an ERP system. Let’s see how this mobile app improves each step of your van-sales process: 


How you can improve your van sales process or DSD


Truck Loading


The first thing a sales representative will do before going on the road is check the material and cash in the truck. This normally would take quite some time, since the rep will have to handwrite all of the product information.


This task can be easily sped up with the help of Listaso’s van sales mobile app. Your sales rep can quickly check and register the inventory in the truck in the app, which can then be verified and approved by a supervisor.


Define the Route


It is important that you customize sales routes for each of your reps, so they can take advantage of the day and reach their sales goals.


Our mobile app helps organize your sales reps’ routes, so they can view the list of trips for the day and update the statuses, rearrange the order of visits and create an unplanned visit, if necessary. 


Check Customers’ Information


Once the sale is complete, your reps need to provide the client with an invoice. Completing the invoice manually and on paper slows down the process and creates the opportunity for transcription mistakes.

The van sales mobile software simplifies this task and helps you save valuable time. Sales reps can create invoices directly in the app, mistake free. The invoice can immediately be printed and synced with your ERP to eliminate duplicate work. 


Creation of Invoices


Once the sale is complete, your reps need to provide the client with an invoice. Completing the invoice manually and on paper slows down the process and creates the opportunity for transcription mistakes.


The van sales mobile software simplifies this task and helps you save valuable time. Sales reps can create invoices directly in the app, mistake free. The invoice can immediately be printed and synced with your ERP to eliminate duplicate work.


Replenishment Orders


When your sales reps on the road run out of stock of a particular product, they typically have to write the product order and drive to the warehouse and wait for the item to be picked and loaded into the truck. This will cost them time that they could use to reach new clients and close sales. 


Listaso automates this process by allowing the reps to create a replenishment order that will automatically be sent to the warehouse, so the order is ready to be loaded when they arrive.


Performance Evaluation


At the end of each workday, your sales reps can evaluate their performance more accurately with a van sales mobile app. They will see the sales made that day and compare them to their weekly and monthly sales, the commissions earned and other metrics.


In Conclusion


The automatization of your sales process with mobile software can help you and your sales reps sell more effectively and efficiently by providing tools that save time and enhance efforts.


Having Listaso’s Mobile Van Sales App on the road will allow your reps to have updated stock information in the palm of their hand, along with a full product catalog, customer invoice history, product and order history, printing and Bluetooth scanning capabilities and much more.


See how all of this works. Schedule a free demo, and one of our expert consultants will guide you through all of our app features and benefits!

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